


We are constantly looking for outstanding, highly motivated, and enthusiastic graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research scientists, etc. To apply, please submit the following documents to Professor Hongqi Xu (email: hqxu@pku.edu.cn). Informal inquiries to our faculty members are always welcome:

1. a curriculum vitae

2. a list of publications

3. your academic records (Bachelor's, Master's or PhD diploma)

4. a short statement of your research interests and how they relate to the work of our group

5. 2-3 letters of recommendation

PhD student(与中科院物理所联合培养的直博生和普博生,组内副研均有招生名额,欢迎咨询)BAQIS runs a PhD program with the Institute of Physics, CAS. More info.

Postdoc and research scientist(博后、研究员)More info.

Nanofabrication engineer.(微纳加工工程师)Fabricate nanoscale quantum devices on semiconductors (gate-defined quantum dots, gate-tunable Josephson junctions, ...) More info.

Electronics engineer(电子工程师)Develop hardware platforms (FPGA programming, high-speed circuits, microwave cavities, DACs, ...) for quantum experiments. More info.

Internship(科研助理、实习生)Internship jobs are available to students interested in our research, willing to experience quantum device fabrication or measurement. Positions are open to undergraduate and graduate students with backgrounds in physics or electronics.