Hongqi Xu

Chief Scientist (PI)
Office: 311
Email: hqxu@baqis.ac.cn

Hongqi Xu is Chair Professor at Peking University and Chief Scientist at Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences. He received the Ph.D. degree in condensed matter physics from Lund University, Sweden, in 1991. From 1991 to 1993, he was Postdoctoral Fellow at Linköping University, Sweden. In 1993, he returned to Lund University, where he was employed as Research Associate in 1993-1995 and was appointed Assistant Professor in 1995-2001, Associate Professor in 2001-2003, and Full Professor in 2003-2014. He has been appointed Chair Professor at Peking University from 2010 and Director of Beijing Key laboratory of Quantum Devices from 2017. In early 2021, he has been appointed Chief Scientist and Director of Quantum Computation Division of Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences. He is a Fellow of American Physical Society. He currently works on experimental and theoretical studies of electron transport in quantum structures, topological states of matter and Majorana fermions in the solid state, strong correlated systems, as well as semiconductor spin physics and spin qubits.